GK Quiz For Class 6 | Current Affairs | Quiz Answer

 GK Quiz For Class 6 | Current Affairs | Quiz Answer

GK Quiz For Class 6 | Current Affairs | Quiz Answer

GK Questions for Class 6: Maths

Q: What is the total distance around a figure?

Perimeter of a surface

Q: Who invented the letter zero?



Q: What is a figure with 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 sides called? 

 Hexagon, Heptagon, Octagon, Nonagon, Decagon respectively

Q: What is three-fifth of 50?

 ⅗ of 50 is 30 

Q: How many straight edges does a cube have?

12 straight edges 

Q: How many cards are there in a playing deck?

52 cards 

Q: How many days are there in a leap year?

366 days

Q: How many degrees are there in a circle? 

360 degrees

Q: Numbers that can be divided only by 1 or themselves are called?

Prime Numbers

Q: What is the longest side of a right-angle triangle called?


Q: In which number system, there is no symbol for zero?

Roman Numbers

Q: What is the total number of dots on a dice?

21 dots (6+5+4+3+2+1)

Q: Who is widely known to be the “Father of Mathematics”?


Q: Which device in mathematics consists of beads?


Q:  What is the name of these sequences?


Fibonacci sequence

Q: Which is the only even prime number?


Q: Who is known to be the human calculator?

Shakuntala Devi

Q: What is the shape of a brick?


Q: How many seconds are there in an hour?

3600 seconds

Q: Can two odd numbers add up to give an odd number?

No. Two odd numbers will always sum up to give an even number.

Q: What is the full form of BODMAS?

Bracket Of Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction 

Q: What is number 1 also known as?


Q: What is x in algebra known as?


Q: How many decimal points can there be in a number?

Only 1

Q: Is zero a positive or a negative number?

None of the two mentioned above 

GK Questions for Class 6: Science & Technology

Q: Which is the hardest naturally occurring substance on the Earth?


Q: Who is the Father of Computers?

Charles Babbage

Q: How many Planets are there in the Solar System? Name them.

8 Planets

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune (in order).


Q: Largest Mammal in the world?

Blue Whale

Q: What makes up approximately 70% of the human body?


Q: What is the full form of:

(a) WWW

(b) WiFi

(a) World Wide Web

(b) Wireless Fidelity 


Q: Is the temperature of the moon higher or lower during the day?

Higher during the day 

Q: Which first electrical item did Thomas Edison invent?

Light Bulb 

Q: Who discovered that penicillin kills bacteria?

Alexander Fleming  

Q: Which travels the fastest: Light or Sound?


GK Questions for Class 6: Social Science

Q: Who was the Father of the Indian Constitution?

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

Q: Who was the first Prime Minister of India?

Jawaharlal Nehru

Q: How many wonders are there in the world?


Q: Answer the following:

(a) Longest River on Earth:

(b) Largest Forest on Earth:

(c) Largest Desert on Earth:

(a) Nile River of Egypt

(b) Amazon Forest of Brazil

(c) Sahara Desert of Africa 



Q: How many States and Union Territories India is made up of?

28 States and 8 Union Territories

Q: Which color symbolizes peace?


Q: Which is the most widely spoken language in the world?

Mandarin Chinese

Note: English is the second widely spoken language in the world.


Q: Who wrote the national anthem for India and Bangladesh?

Rabindranath Tagore


Q: Which country invented paper and gunpowder?


Q: Which is the tallest peak in the world?

Mount Everest (8848 meters) 

GK Questions for Class 6: Sports

Want to learn more about how we use math in football? Visit: How is math used in football?

Q: Olympics games are held after every?

4 years

Q: Which is the National Game of India?


Q: How many players are there in an ice hockey team?

Six players

Q: How many yards is a cricket pitch?

22 yards 

Q: Which country has won the most football world cups?



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